# Uterine Cancer --- **Uterine cancer** is a [[cancer]] of the [[uterus]], and it's the most common gynecological cancer in the US, as well as the fourth most common cancer in AFAB people. Most uterine cancers arise from the endometrium, so you will hear this referred to as endometrial cancer. ## Risk Factors The major risk factor for uterine cancer is a high cumulative exposure to [[estrogen]], so it follows that being over 55 is a big risk factor. Other risk factors are: - early menarche (start of period) - late menopause (end of period) - nulliparity (not having birthed any children) - obesity - [[diabetes mellitus]] - [[estrogen|tamoxifen]] use (breast cancer treatment) ## Signs & Symptoms The signs and symptoms of uterine cancer are usually just menopausal bleeding. ## Diagnostic Tests Uterine cancer is usually diagnosed following and regular checkup including a pelvic exam, and diagnosed via an ultrasound guided endometrial biopsy. ## Treatment Treatment for uterine cancer consists of medication, surgery and/or radiation. - Meds - [[estrogen#Meds|megestrol]] is used for advanced uterine cancer - it's teratogenic - side effects: fluid retention, non-fluid weight gain (increases appetite) - surgery - total or radical [[hysterectomy]] - radiation - [[radiation therapy|external beam radiation therapy]] and [[radiation therapy|brachytherapy]] They'll probably be monitoring for a lab called **cancer antigen-125** or **CA-125**. It is a substance released by many (but not all) uterine and [[ovarian cancer|ovarian cancers]], and elevated levels indicate that it has spread beyond the uterus. ___